The largest seller of home appliances, the company Best Buy, every year only on flyers spends more than 45 thousand tons of paper. Wood to get them, cutting down old-growth forests of special value.
45 thousand tons!
Therefore, just four days more than 14 thousand people turned to the head of the company Julia Hubert with the requirement that the corporation had a policy of responsible use of paper.
In his report “The boreal forest: not the best buy» (Better Buying in the Boreal Forest) Greenpeace notes that Best Buy buys paper from Resolute Forest Products, which cuts into valuable old-growth forests, violates the Canadian way of life of Indians and damaging populations of reindeer.
Greenpeace praised the policy of Best Buy in comparison with other companies in the consumer sector, which use paper and wood from boreal (northern) forests, such as Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Home Depot and others. The most responsible have shown themselves Kimberly-Clark and Office Depot. At the bottom of rankings were the most irresponsible – Best Buy and Canadian Tire. The report can be read here.
Many companies that use paper for flyers, toilet paper, lumber, have become more demanding with regard to the origin of the wood they buy. Their policy aims to reduce the damage of intact, especially valuable forests.
Canadian ancient forests – an essential part of the boreal forest, which play an important role in preserving the environment. In Canada’s forests are a quarter of all known swamps of the world. In addition, they live animals such as caribou, wolverine and lynx.
WESTERHOLT More than 1000 leaflets distributed and “many signatures” collected by its own account: Has The 1st May, a Wardenburger citizens’ initiative actively used to draw attention to their rejection of a third wind farm near Westerholt. “Two Wardenburger wind farms are enough” is the name of the initiative, which thus also describes the impact direction.
As a location for their action, the citizens chose the Wardenburger Town Hall Square, just a few meters from the umtref resting place of gourmet bike ride. “We have found that many of our interlocutors a high interest, but surprisingly little information is available,” Bruno Barsties takes stock. On their flyer and make it more supporters point out that the company IFE Eriksen wants to build a wind farm between the hamlets Achternmeer, Westerholt, Oberlethe, Achternholt, Benthullen and Harbern.
The citizens’ initiative is basically for renewable energy, however, consider the targeted location for the investor not likely to emphasize the three speaker of the initiative Bruno Barsties, Nils Naumann and Andreas Bochmann. They fear a “massive load” the quality of living for all people living in the vicinity of the 200 meter high wind turbines. This also means an impairment of property that are in view of a wind farm. Nature also have to suffer, especially for the nature reserve Benthullener mud, which serves, among other migratory birds as a resting place, will be charged in an unacceptable manner. As a further argument against a third wind farm citizens of possible faults through Shadow education, warning lights and low-frequency sound into the field.
As was to learn from circles of Wardenburger council parties, IFE Eriksen has issued invitations for an information session. Planners want to present their ideas of a new wind farm targeted members of the Council. At the invitation of the civic association Westerholt there had been a public information evening at the local community center in April. It is a normal process that opponents come forward in this type of project to word, evaluated IFE Board Heiner Willers recently against the NWZ development. The company is interested in open communication with all stakeholders.
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